
The design blog of Psychicmind


12 Cloud Stocks

It’s been pretty nice out, recently, so I thought I’d take a few photographs of clouds to share the beautiful sky. All photos are 4000 by 3000 pixels, taken by me. Download them separately below or download the zip file here.

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11 Weathered Board Stocks

So, we’ve had this shed out back for a few years. While it isn’t old in any way, the wooden boards on the outside have taken a slight beating due to the Western Washington weather we normally get. Last week while I was outside I saw the boards and thought, “Why don’t I share these as textures to my readers?” So here they are, at 4000px by 3000px, 11 stocks of weathered wooden boards. Download them separately as you need them or download the zip file here.

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10 Dandelion Stocks

In celebration of spring, I have decided to take a few pictures of the most common flower in at least my area: Dandelions. These are different groups of the flowers taken at different angles. All are 4000 pixels wide and 3000 pixels tall. Download them separately as you need them or download the zip file here.

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Fractal Friday Set 5

There’s a few more weeks of winter left, and I think it’s right to provide my readers with a set of fractal snowflakes. Eight variations of snowflakes below, with two snow themed fractals at the end.

Download them one by one below, or download the zip file here.


Fractal Friday Set 3

These fractals are more for representing abstract objects than for creating flow. But, you can use them however you like. A couple of them are hard to see, because they’re so small, so make sure you look at the full image of those ones.

Download the ones that you need, or download the whole set in the zip file


Fractal Friday Set 2

Today’s fractal set starts to lead away from the swirly flowing type fractals into fractals that have sort of a concept behind them.

Download them one by one below, or download the zip file here.


Fractal Friday Set 1

One of the things I do in my spare time is create fractals through a program called Apophysis. The stocks are great for creating flow and movement. They also make for great effects.
So, from now on, every Friday, I will supply my readers with a set of ten of my own fractals.
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9 Burnt Grunge Textures

The result of using a newly painted table as a stand for fireworks. Pictures were taken with a 12.0 megapixel camera and are 4000 by 3000 pixels in size.
Download each individually or download the zip file here.


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29 Fireworks Stocks

Need stocks for a project involving fireworks? Go ahead and use one of mine from a selection of 29, all 4000 by 3000 pixels. For any type of use.

Fireworks Stocks by Psychicmind


3 Smoke Stocks

Had some fun with Photoshop recently. I found a simple tutorial for creating smoke. I ended up with three renders.

Click on an image to view a higher resolution of the image.


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